With Billions in the Bank, Retirees are Told to Wait

Retirees demand a COLA during TSEU’s 2023 Lobby Day

TSEU ROC activists waged an all-out push to get a real Cost-Of-Living-Adjustment (COLA) for all state retirees this session. ERS Retirees have not seen a single benefit enhancement since 2002. Representatives of the ERS itself testified during the interim that this neglect resulted in a 38% loss of buying power for former state employees that retired in 2002 or prior to that. TSEU ROC activists worked throughout the interim between legislative sessions, meeting with legislator after legislator to explain how a meaningful COLA was critical for both current and future retirees. With a record surplus and the ERS fund on the cusp of becoming actuarily sound, TSEU ROC activists fought hard to get legislators to allocate funds for a meaningful COLA for state retirees.

Numerous bills were filed regarding the state employee pensions, from serious COLA bills that would have increased the pension annuities of all ERS retirees to bills for a one-time 13th check, and some bills that would have provided both. ROC members met with legislators regularly throughout the session and ramped up the pressure when the first versions of the Budget again excluded ERS retirees. Due to opposition from Senate Finance Chair Joan Huffman (Houston) and House Appropriations Chair Dennis Bonnen (Brazoria), not a single ERS retiree bill was set for a hearing in the House or Senate.

Along with a large coalition of state employee/retiree groups, TSEU members met with every legislator on the Budget Conference Committee. These members demanded that, at a minimum, the Budget Conference Committee use the $32 BILLION surplus to fund a one-time 13th check. The cost would have been under $250 million. Sen. Huffman and Rep. Bonnen not only ignored ERS retirees, but ultimately lowered the amount in the supplemental budget dedicated to paying down the ERS’s unfunded liability by $100 million. Conference committee members did make sure to add $150 million to spruce up their Capitol offices and get brand new furniture.

TRS retirees were not ignored this session. The Legislature passed SB10 this session designating $5 billion to a COLA for TRS retirees. The final version provides a COLA of:

  • 6% if retired before 2001
  • 4% if retired from 2001 to 2013, and
  • 2% if retired from 2012 to 2020.

The bill also provides a supplemental payment of $7,500 to retirees older than 75 and $2,400 for retirees 70-75 years of age.

The fight continues into the Special Session, and beyond.

TSEU will continue the struggle to resolve this ongoing crisis for state retirees. The solution is clear – we need a secure pension with regular COLAs for state retirees. We have the vision – and now is the time to go all in to build our union’s strength to make it a reality! TSEU members will continue to organize and mobilize during every special session and the interim to win support for a pension increase. Contact your organizer to find out how you can help!