TAKE ACTION – Protect ERS and our pensions today!

Fight the conversion to a cash balance plan!
1. Call your area State Representative
2. Send a message from TSEU’s Action Network

BACKGROUND (updated): [background] On Friday May 7th 2021, SB321, a bill that would convert ERS to a cash balance plan for all new state employees got voted out of House Appropriations. This bill is bad for new state workers and changes their retirement to a plan similar to a 401(k). THIS AMOUNTS TO A BENEFIT CUT FOR ALL NEW STATE EMPLOYEES! This bill has been rushed through both the Senate Finance Committee on April 19th, and House Appropriations on May 7th. The Texas House members voted to suspend their rules, and send this bill to committee early, giving TSEU members and allies less than 24 hours notice to mobilize members so they could testify before the House Appropriations Committee.


All signs point to a quick vote with very little public input. We have to take action ASAP!

Go to TSEU’s Action Network to make your voice heard on SB 321 by sending an automated letter to all Texas’ State Representatives: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/vote-no-sb-321-protecters/

Follow this up with a call to your own State Representative. LOOK UP your State Rep’s contact information by using your home address. Here is a sample of what you can say:

“I am a constituent in Rep. __________’s district and I urge you to vote against SB 321 when it comes up for a vote next week. SB 321 will convert ERS to a cash balance plan for new employees. I believe that state employees should have a secure pension and oppose any benefit reforms.

Standing in Solidarity
Fellow labor organizations sign onto HB 321 opposition
TSEU’s Legislative Issue Sheet for HB 321