Involving members in the fight for quality services a priority for the FPS Caucus


The FPS statewide caucus meeting was held November 2nd, bringing together union members to discuss what’s happening in our agency and to create plans for making our issues a higher priority for decision makers. Between increasing turnover rates, high caseloads, the privatization of the services we provide, and the need for quality services to for vulnerable Texans, there are plenty of reasons for our coworkers to get off the sidelines. Members discussed working with other members to share news and updates, and finding opportunities to ask our coworkers to join since so many of us are working mobile. We also made plans to meet with Legislators to make sure they hear from those of us on the frontlines of our agency, and to push them to support our efforts to improve our agency. At the end of 2019, DFPS announced caseload ‘guidelines’ would be rolled out in 2020 as part of a settlement with the federal courts and plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit. We know these guidelines are needed in every part of our agency, and we will keep pushing to make it happen.