SAVE OUR UT! Fighting for Job Security and Living Wages on our Campus

New plan seeks to privatize many university services TSEU launches SAVE OUR UT website and petition…

TSEU members celebrate MLK Day

On Monday, January 21, TSEU members in San Antonio and Austin came out in celebration of…

San Antonio MLK Day March and Celebration

Austin MLK Day March and Celebration

Become a TSEU Pension Defender

The fight to save our pensions is going to be a big one. With union members…

Pension fight steadily building

The fight is building already. A powerful business group in Houston is forming a pressure group…

‘Fund Our Future’ petition campaign

TSEU university caucus members are reaching out to university communities across the state to join us…

Pay Raise DAY OF ACTION – Wrap-up

WHY PAY RAISE DAY OF ACTION?  Because state employees can’t wait another two years with no pay…

Why ERS Board elections matter

State Employees need another voice on the ERS Board who represents what’s the interests of frontline…

TSEU members kick-off the session with calls to defend the public good

Tuesday, January 8th was the first day of the 83rd Legislative Session in Austin and TSEU…