Lobby Day is our chance to take a stand for the future of Texas and for our jobs. It is a critical part of our ongoing fight for economic and social justice for state workers and all Texans.
We will meet at the Capitol lawn, march, rally, and then meet with our legislators and present them with our program.
On Wednesday, April 10th, TSEU is calling for a massive show of strength to tell the legislature that we will fight to restore funding for public services, to protect state employee benefits and to win a real across-the-board raise. Everything is at stake: our jobs, our pensions, our health care, our pay and the services we provide. We need you to be there!
$20.00 includes your registration, lunch and a bus ride to and from Austin from just about anywhere in Texas. Members from the Austin area pay $13.00 which includes registration and lunch only.
CLICK HERE for more information including how to purchase your ticket online via PayPal.