WHY PAY RAISE DAY OF ACTION? Because state employees can’t wait another two years with no pay raise!
Last Wednesday, January 23rd, was the union’s Pay Raise Day of Action. It was a powerful way to kick off our campaign for a $3600 across-the-board pay raise for all state employees including university workers. Members all across the state participated by calling their legislators, filling out pay raise postcards, and asking their coworkers to do the same. So far, we have counted 769 phone calls made on that single day to legislators from every corner of the state. We know that everyone who made a call didn’t report back to the union so the actual number of calls generated that day is really much higher.
Our pay raise campaign is off to a great start, but we must continue to build the momentum if we’re going to win this legislative session. Many lawmakers are still looking to cut more state spending despite the better budget picture we’re facing. That’s why we must continue to build the pressure and have the biggest Lobby Day ever. On April 10th, thousands of TSEU members and allies from all over Texas will gather in Austin to march, rally, and lobby lawmakers at the capitol for a pay raise, protecting our pensions and health care, and to restore the funding cuts from the last session.
Things to do now:
- Ask a coworker or state retiree to join the union. CLICK HERE to dowonload a membership form.
. - Join COPE the union’s Political Action Fund. CLICK HERE for more info and to download a COPE form.
. - Register for Lobby Day 2013. CLICK HERE for more information and to download a Lobby Day Ticket.
. - Fill out a Pay Raise Postcard and mail it to your legislators. CLICK HERE for more info and to download postcard template
5. Call your elected officials TODAY!
It’s not too late to make a call! Just because the day of action has ended, don’t miss your opportunity to contact your elected officials! A sample phone script is provided below.
Contact your State Representative and State Senator! Tell them:
My name is ____________________________ and I’m a state worker (and a member of the Texas State Employees Union). I am asking you to support and work for a statewide pay raise that is: a flat amount, across-the-board raise for all state and university employees, including university workers, of at least $3600/year with no cuts to our health care or pension plans. Can I count on your support?
CLICK HERE to look up your State Senator and Representative along with their contact information.