Retiree Organizing Committee (ROC) Caucus

TSEU Organizer Contact: 
Clay Convery

ROC Caucus Legislative Goals 2025-2026

(These are in addition to our Statewide Legislative Goals.)

  • Fund a Texas State Retirees Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)

  • Enact legislation to fully fund our healthcare to prevent any cost increases for active employees or retirees.

  • Repeal the sections of SB 321 from the 2011 legislative session that created a “cash balance” pension system and restore the traditional defined benefit pension plan for all current and future retirees.

Download a PDF of our ROC goals to share with your fellow retirees!

Dear Fellow State Retiree

We are state retirees and members of the Texas State Employees Union Retiree Organizing Committee (roc). We are asking you to join us.
  Hitting retirement should allow us to relax, spend time with our families and friends, travel, and feel secure that the retirement benefits that we’ve earned will be there for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately and unfairly, attacks on our pension and health benefits do not stop.
  Some state leaders openly declare that our pension and health benefits are not guaranteed. Legislators have let two decades go by with our pensions frozen. Our pension checks buy less than half of what they did in 2001, the last time we got an increase. This is largely because legislators cut the state contribution to our pensions in the late 1990s, and the fund never caught up.
  Most of us were active members of the Texas State Employees Union (TSEU) before we retired. We’re proud to be part of the union that has stood and fought for good pay and benefits for active employees and retirees, for quality state services for the people of Texas, and for basic justice and equity in our workplaces and communities. We are proud to continue as TSEU members now that we’ve retired.
  The times keep getting harder. The attacks on state employees and state services keep getting get worse. But we’ve learned that, no matter how difficult the challenges, we can win if we stick together and work together. We’re asking you to join us in defending our hard fought gains and winning new victories.


TSEU membership dues for ROC are collected monthly in one of two ways: as a deduction from your ERS annuity OR as a draft of a personal bank or credit card account.

1. Deduction from your ERS annuity.

Download an ERS Annuity deduction membership form – This form will allow for a monthly draft of your dues from your ERS annuity. Completed applications will be processed and forwarded to the Employees Retirement System of Texas.

mail to the Austin TSEU office for processing:
TSEU Membership Department
627 Radam Lane
Austin, TX 78745 


2. Bank draft (fill out form below):

  • Use the form below to draft your dues from your bank account.
    Please note: if you are unable to use a bank account draft for your dues, you can set up a monthly draft from a credit or debit card by filling out our Debit/Credit Card dues authorization.
Membership Application





I authorize the monthly deduction from my salary or wages for membership dues to TSEU. I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by written notice.


Under federal law, no union dues can be used for political campaigns. Join our Political Action Fund by contributing $5 or more per month.

I authorize the monthly deduction from my checking account indicated below for my PAF membership. I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by written notice.