[APRIL 29, 2015] State lawmakers in Austin are holding a hearing today on a bill that would eliminate state employee longevity pay. HB 2836 would bar any state employee hired after September 1st, 2015 from accruing longevity pay (currently set at $20/month for every two years of service worked).
Longevity pay is an important way to reward tenured state employees. State agencies already have a high turnover rate, eliminating longevity pay will only make it harder to keep experienced state workers. Lawmakers should be voting to increase state employee pay, not lower it.
Call the members of the State Affairs Committee and tell them…
My name is _________ and I’m a state employee. I’m calling to ask Rep. ___________ to vote against HB 2836. Eliminating state employee longevity pay will increase turnover rates and make it harder to keep quality state workers. Thank you.
Rep. Byron Cook (Chair)- 512-463-0730
Rep. Helen Giddings (Vice-Chair)- 512-463-0953
Rep. Tom Craddick- 512-463-0500
Rep. Marsha Farney- 512-463-0309
Rep. Jessica Farrar- 512-463-0620
Rep. Charlie Geren- 512-463-0610
Rep. Patricia Harless- 512-463-0496
Rep. Dan Huberty- 512-463-0520
Rep. John Kuempel- 512-463-0602
Rep. Rene Oliveira- 512-463-0640
Rep. John Smithee- 512-463-0702
Rep. Sylvester Turner- 512-463-0554