There’s no sugar-coating it: Our union is under attack! On Monday, February 13, PLEASE CALL YOUR…
Author: Chris Knapp
Stop the Governor’s hiring freeze – call your State Rep today!
During his “State of the State” speech, Governor Greg Abbott announced he was instructing all state…
6,000+ state workers on Food Stamps – Take action now for a pay raise!
On Monday January 23rd on the south steps of the State Capitol in Austin, TSEU held…
First victory in our fight for across-the-board pay raises
On Thursday, December 1st, the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) approved DFPS’ request for targeted pay raises…
2016 Election Report and Recap
While the country grapples with the outcome of the presidential election, TSEU members right here in…
TSEU Holiday Gatherings
TSEU members across Texas will be hosting and attending a number of holiday gatherings this season.…
TSEU Stands with Standing Rock and Defend Big Bend
Adopted by the Texas State Employees Union General Assembly October 16th, 2016 WHEREAS, the proposed Dakota…
FPS workers say “we need a raise”
State Officials Say- “We need two more compensation studies.” In another rebuke of common sense, the…
TJJD Budget request calls for pay raises, increased staffing
In September, TJJD leadership submitted their 2018-2019 Legislative Appropriations Request (LAR) to Texas lawmakers. The LAR…