Working conditions and increased turnover top list of concerns for TSEU’s Human Services Caucus


On Saturday, November 23rd, twenty TSEU Human Services members met in Austin for our statewide leadership meeting. During the meeting, members reviewed the outcome of the 2019 Legislative Session as it pertained to workers in human services agencies. Proposed interim charges were also discussed; specifically, asking legislators to study the correlation between pay and turnover, and whether the removal of the employee grievance procedure is leading to additional separations. The working conditions of Human Services Eligibility Offices was also discussed. Overall, workers are facing increasing turnover rates, unrealistic work expectations, and hyper-aggressive monitoring through BPR. Because of this reality, quality services to for vulnerable Texans are suffering. Members discussed building our union to help combat turnover and working through committees to find issues and opportunities to activate our coworkers into joining and demanding real change.
  We also made plans to meet with Legislators to make sure they hear from those of us on the frontlines of our agency, and to push them to support our efforts to improve our agency.