State employees/services ignored (again) during 3rd Special Session of the 87th State Legislature

[October 2021] The third special session of the 87th State Legislature has come to a close. Like most of the session, it was full of disappointment. New district lines were adopted that fail to recognize the diversity of the growth of population in Texas. AND, like the new voting laws passed earlier this year, the new maps only serve the purpose of further increasing and maintaining the influence of the current leaders of the state.

The fight for pandemic ‘HERO PAY’ falls short in the legislature but will continue on an agency-by-agency basis
TSEU and Allies fought hard to include funding to recognize the hard work of state employees during the pandemic. There was a temporary victory when Rep Alex Dominguez was able to add an amendment to provide a hero pay bonus for state employees to the house version of the Federal spending plan. Yesterday the Hero pay provision was removed from SB8 in conference committee as the legislature decided instead to spend the COVID relief funds on corporate tax breaks and revenue swaps that will allow them to use the money next session for anything they chose (potentially the Border wall).
We have experienced much disappointment this year but we must continue to stand strong and Organize. TSEU Caucuses will now start working on targeted campaigns for HERO pay that are agency specific. Each agency received Federal funds directly in addition to what was just appropriated by the legislature. This direct money can be used by each agency to provide HERO pay to their employees. Work with your caucus leads and look out for meetings being scheduled with agency heads soon.

The 87th legislative session proved, without a shadow of a doubt, that current Texas leaders do not value the hard work and dedication given by their employees. Despite attempts to change the election rules and district lines to insure they remain in power, we know the true power still lies with the people. This election we will have a chance to elect 150 Reps, 31 State Senators, the Lt Governor and Governor. TSEU will have a statewide election program that will be screening candidates and promoting those that demonstrate a devotion to state services and our state employees. Be a part of this process! To get involved please join our Committee on Political Education!