Even though we are no longer in a legislative session, we still need to keep up the pressure on elected officials to address real issues affecting state employees and retirees. Additionally, we need to take these issues to the public at large. It will take educating our fellow Texans along with our elected officials about these issues to ensure headway. Join with us today to help make better jobs for state workers so that we can provide better services to ALL Texans! 

  • $5600.00 Hero Pay for all State Employees who worked through COVID-19, putting themselves and others at risk.
  • $2500.00 bonus for all State Retirees out of General Revenue.
  • Additional funding for pay and staffing to fix DFPS’s Children Without Placement crisis.
  • Support legislators in their fight to preserve voting rights for all Texans.
  • Fight for a long overdue $6000.00 across the board pay raise for all state employees and state university workers.
  • Restore the state pension benefits (for future workers) stripped by Senate Bill 321.
  • With the possible rise of additional COVID variants, continue to fight for safe working conditions and protection for workers.