Call your State Representative and Senator!
They need to hear from those on the frontlines of our agency. Tell them to support the Federal Court ruling and take action to lower caseloads now.
CLICK HERE to find the name and contact info of your State Rep and State Senator.
Here is an example of what to say: “Hi, my name is ________. I’m a constituent and I work for the Department of Family and Protective Services. I’m calling to urge Rep. / Sen. ______ to take action to lower caseloads in our agency. The recent Federal Court ruling is the latest proof that high caseloads have to be lowered. By dropping the appeal to the ruling and supporting caseloads standards in FPS, we can make progress. Will Rep./ Sen.________ support lower caseloads and the Court ruling?”.
Contact your local TSEU office for more information or to get involved; or contact TSEU/FPS Caucus Organizer Myko Gedutis in the Houston TSEU office (713.661.9030).