‘Fund Our Future’ petition campaign

FundOurFuture_imageTSEU university caucus members are reaching out to university communities across the state to join us in taking a stand against higher education funding cuts. We are circulating these petitions on the campuses of all of our public institutions to demonstrate that we as employees, students, parents, alumni, and citizens are serious about Texas fulfilling its obligation to provide quality, affordable public higher education. Petitions were delivered by TSEU members to legislators who serve on the House and Senate Higher Education committees during University Mini-Lobby Day on February 6th.  In order to keep the pressure on the legislator, TSEU members will continue to circulate the petitions and collect signatures until the Texas state budget is finalized in May.

The petition language is as follows.

FUND OUR FUTURE: Stop the Cuts, Stop the Layoffs, Invest in Higher Ed! We, the undersigned Texans, call on the 83rd TEXAS LEGISLATURE to fully fund public higher education. Restore all funding cut from higher education during the 82nd legislative session. The cuts enacted in 2011 have forced radical increases in tuition and fees charged to students and forced the elimination of thousands of university teaching and staff positions. Every Texan has the right to quality public higher education. Texas can afford it. Invest in the future of Texas. Restoring these cuts is not enough. Reverse the decades-long trend of reduced state funding for higher education. Our economic prosperity tomorrow depends on the state’s ability to educate Texans today. Provide a quality higher education to every Texan who seeks one.




CLICK HERE to sign the petition which we have posted on change.org



CLICK HERE to download the petition to distribute.
Forward completed petitions to your nearest TSEU office or organizer or contact Ted Hooker (210.354.2900 or thooker@cwa-tseu.org)


If you belong to a student or campus organization that is interested in participating
in this petition drive, contact Ted Hooker (210-354-2900 or thooker@cwa-tseu.org)