FPS workers say “we need a raise”

State Officials Say- “We need two more compensation studies.”

In another rebuke of common sense, the low pay in DFPS is being ignored and downplayed in the budget request for the next two years and in hearings at the Capitol. The turnover crisis in our agency is bad for the Texans we serve, and is costly for all Texans because of the millions of dollars spent to train new employees.

Agency leaders have long claimed low pay doesn’t impact turnover, however employee responses to the agency’s own annual Survey of Employee Engagement indicate that low pay is the top concern (see charts below). Meanwhile, elected officials are being told that updating technology and more training will fix the turnover crisis we see everyday.


chart one

NOTE: Scores typically range from 300 to 400, and 350 is a tipping point between positive and negative perceptions.   Highest: Supervision   /   Lowest: Pay

what to do now!

TSEU members have been doing their part to make their voice heard- and our voice needs to be stronger! If you haven’t joined yet, Join Today! Meaningful improvements in our agency won’t happen without those of us on the frontlines being involved.

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