CHUMPS of the 87th Texas Legislature

Sen. Joan Huffman
Author of SB 321, to convert employees hired after 9/1/22 to a cash balance retirement plan

Rep. Greg Bonnen
Sponsor of SB 321, the ERS cash balance bill. As Chair of House Appropriations, did not advocate for state employees.

Rep. James Frank
As Chair of House Health and Human Services, denied a hearing on bills that would help state employees.

Sen. Jane Nelson
As Chair of Senate Finance, did not advocate for state employees.

Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr.
(HB 917) Voted for SB 321, the cash balance bill. Voted for SJR1 in 2nd special session to change quorum requirements from 2/3 to 50%.

Sen. Chuy Hinojosa
Voted for SB 321, the cash balance bill.

Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins
Co-sponsored SB321 to convert employees hired after 9/1/22 to a cash balance retirement plan

Rep. Oscar Longoria
Voted for SB 321. Refused to break quorum and remained in Austin to help Republicans gain a quorum to pass election bill