At State Universities, the fight for an across-the-board raise continues!

University workers need a pay raise too!
To see real changes to our pay, staffing and the services we provide, we must organize, mobilize, and FIGHT for them! We can do more if YOU are standing with us – get off the sidelines and get involved. JOIN TSEU TODAY!

Legislators excluded university employees from the $6,000 raise – but that doesn’t mean our fight is over. University administrators will be finalizing their own budgets over the next several months. University Presidents, Boards of Regents, and decision makers on campus need to hear from employees. Matching the $6,000 pay raise for agency employees should be the starting point to address stagnant pay. Targeted raises, merit pay schemes and one-time bonuses are no substitute for a real, across-the-board pay raise for ALL university workers.

University leaders were instrumental in securing additional state funding for universities, despite the attacks on tenure and academic freedom from right wing legislators. The “hands-on tutoring and advising, increased mental health support and better technology services,” that university leaders sought additional funding for is all delivered by front line university employees. A real pay raise would also help eliminate the “skilled labor shortage” cited by University Administrators.

It’s time for university leaders across Texas to put their money where their mouth is, and support the employees who make our universities work!