As DFPS pushes for funding for private contractors, frontline workers want to know: WHERE’S OUR RAISE??!!??

A pay raise for private contractors??!!??

FPS_where's raiseIn a revised budget request, DFPS is seeking to increase startup payments to $1 million for each new Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC) in four new Foster Care Redesign catchment areas. Currently, SSCCs receive $208,000 for startup costs. Besides the ballooning startup costs, additional funds of about $1.3 million per year for each SSCC are being requested to protect the financial well-being of the private agencies operating as SSCCs.

Frontline employees want to know:  where’s OUR raise??!!??

The high cost of turnover in FPS takes a toll on all employees and the Texans we serve. Decision makers in Austin are ignoring the fact that low pay forces many dedicated employees to leave the agency. Instead, the focus is on internal changes that consultants and “experts” have identified. There are lots of tweaks that can be made to improve our agency, but without a real pay raise staff turnover will continue to be a crisis.

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