Become a TSEU Pension Defender

The fight to save our pensions is going to be a big one.
With union members across Texas in action, we can win!

Join the TSEU Statewide Network on Pension issues today!  You will be the first to know about breaking news or actions at the legislature; additionally, by joining the Network, you are committing to contacting your elected officials and educating co-workers about current pension issues facing state employees.

pensiondefenders_LogoTSEU MEMBERS:
Start getting involved today!

Contact any TSEU office or organizer and say “I want to join TSEU’s Pension Defenders Network”  or

CLICK HERE to join by email.  Put “Pension Defender Network” in the subject line and include your name, contact info, your agency/university, and “I want to join the Pension Defenders Network” in the message.